Thursday, May 5, 2016

Trump needs Transition Plans

Ron Paul has said there would have to be a transition period (if not plan) for doing away with the Federal Reserve.

In the 1970s, the US Air Force tried to develop and implement information systems.  Tom DeMarco developed a Structured Systems Analysis methodology.  I liked his approach because that is what physicists do.

The USAF process became

1.       Describe the current system
2.       Develop/chose an architecture
3.       Select the target system
4.       Develop an Implementation Plan

There are a lot of ways of looking at a system.  John Zachman developed the Zachman Framework in the 1980s at IBM.  I liked it.  It is not a methodology.  I was shocked to learn that the different views did not have to be consistent.  Frequently, the user requirements are inconsistent.

Projects spent a lot of time on the first 2 steps.  About 2000, Tom DeMarco revised his methodology to shorten the first step.  The second step was the “sexy stuff”.

We need Transition Plans for all the real issues.

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