Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Open letter to Reince Priebus

  1. You were making the mistake usually attributed to our generals – refighting the last war.  Barack Obama won, twice.  He has put us into a position where any decent Republican should win.
  2. Democrats want the Federal Government to solve all the problems the media identifies.  By having a problem/issue focus, the Democrats are at an advantage.
  3. We should limit the Federal Government to roles consistent with the 10th Amendment of the Constitution.
  4. We should limit our platform to areas we can afford.  Homeland Security has replaced the role of National Defense.  Security should be our number one priority.  Rand Paul has a minimalist approach if not platform.  Donald J. Trump has the right enemies.
  5. Richard P. Feynman, physics Nobel Laureate, said that an honest politician won’t be elected.  Donald J. Trump has avoided taking positions on several issues/areas.
  6. Slick Willy’s advisors, James Carville and Jim Morris, helped old slick always have people’s interest as his #1 or Top priority.  Ole Slick got elected, twice.
The "penultimate retail politician" only won 43.0% of the votes in 1992.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Trump needs Transition Plans

Ron Paul has said there would have to be a transition period (if not plan) for doing away with the Federal Reserve.

In the 1970s, the US Air Force tried to develop and implement information systems.  Tom DeMarco developed a Structured Systems Analysis methodology.  I liked his approach because that is what physicists do.

The USAF process became

1.       Describe the current system
2.       Develop/chose an architecture
3.       Select the target system
4.       Develop an Implementation Plan

There are a lot of ways of looking at a system.  John Zachman developed the Zachman Framework in the 1980s at IBM.  I liked it.  It is not a methodology.  I was shocked to learn that the different views did not have to be consistent.  Frequently, the user requirements are inconsistent.

Projects spent a lot of time on the first 2 steps.  About 2000, Tom DeMarco revised his methodology to shorten the first step.  The second step was the “sexy stuff”.

We need Transition Plans for all the real issues.