Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Did John McCain Flip Flop on Don't Ask Don't Tell?

On November 30, 2010, CNN reported that the long awaited study was released today and that John McCain seemed to have switched positions.

CNN quoted and/or showed videos indicating that John McCain had said that he had no problem with repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell if our Military Commanders indicated that it did not degrade the capabilities of our forces. Or something similar to that.

CNN then showed Secretary of Defense Robert Gates supporting repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Micheal Mullen, stating that he personally was in favor of repeal of DADT.

It seems that the majority of the respondents to the Defense Department's survey were in favor of repeal. The only exceptions were the (combat units in the?) United States Marine Corps and combat units in the United States Army. In other words, only the "tooth" of the defense establishment.

Robert Gates has done an excellent job as Secretary of Defense. However, he is a civilian. Admiral Mullen is a very senior Naval Officer. We have 7 uniformed services. One is the US Navy. The US Army, the original Military Service, is another.

Senator John McCain has not yet flip flopped.

I believe in "boots on the ground" and we should not degrade our capabilities in that area to address areas not enumerated in the US Constitution.

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