1. Ashton Carter for Secretary of Defense. It is good to have representation from the other Party in the Cabinet. Obama retained Bob Gates. Carter is new and has the smarts to be good. He understands the Iran Nuclear Deal. General David Petraeus is said to being considered for this post. I have great respect for the job the General did with the Surge but I think Carter would be better for SECDEF. Gen Petraeus should make a great National Security Advisor. He is smart and should be better than LTG Flynn.
2. Ben Carson for Surgeon General
3. Mitt Romney or Jeb Bush for Secretary of State
4. Senator Jeff Sessions for Attorney General
5. Carly Fiorina for Secretary of Treasury. Need a heavyweight here.
6. John Kasich for Secretary of Interior
7. Ted Cruz for Supreme Court nominee. He could be Roosevelt's Hugo Black.
8. Mike Huckabee
9. Bobby Jindal
10. Rand Paul
11. Marco Rubio
12. Rick Santorum
13. Sarah Palin
14. George Pataki