Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Joe Biden Benefits

Joe Biden was a co-author of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).  Vice President Joe Biden has favored using drones to terminate terrorists.

George W. Bush defined Counter-Terrorism (CT) poorly.  He defined it as a war against terrorists and countries which host them.

President Obama, aided and abetted by Joe Biden, has implemented a policy of striking terrorists wherever they are and whenever they can be found.  In CT, there are no innocent victims.  Due largely to Bush's definition, all citizens of a country which has not expelled the terrorist is an enemy.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Ferguson Grand Jury does the right thing

ISIS is lopping off heads and Obama wants to straighten out our police.

Obama has shown us what is much worse than a compassionate conservative - a Compassionate Liberal.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Proposed ABA Code of Ethics

Members of the IEEE (Engineers) are ethically required to correct errors.  The IEEE Code of Ethics is available at  .  The major change in adapting it for lawyers was removing the decision making responsibility which was mentioned as the first part of #1.

We, the members of the ABA, in recognition of the importance of our laws and regulations in affecting the quality of life throughout the world, and in accepting a personal obligation to our profession, its members and the communities we serve, do hereby commit ourselves to the highest ethical and professional conduct and agree:


1.    to disclose promptly factors that might endanger the public or the environment;

2.    to avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest whenever possible, and to disclose them to affected parties when they do exist;

3.    to be honest and realistic in stating claims or estimates based on available data;  

4.    to reject bribery in all its forms;  

5.    to improve the understanding of law; its appropriate application, and potential consequences;  

6.    to maintain and improve our legal competence and to undertake legal tasks for others only if qualified by training or experience, or after full disclosure of pertinent limitations;  

7.    to seek, accept, and offer honest criticism of technical work, to acknowledge and correct errors, and to credit properly the contributions of others;  

8.    to treat fairly all persons and to not engage in acts of discrimination based on race, religion, gender, disability, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression;

9.    to avoid injuring others, their property, reputation, or employment by false or malicious action;  

10.  to assist colleagues and co-workers in their professional development and to support them in following this code of ethics.


Engineers are not particularly appreciative of having (not so technical) errors pointed out to them but learn to tolerate it gracefully.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Types of MH370 Data

Raw data:  Raw data is the information that an experimenter or observer collects and/or receives from her equipment or others.

“Raw” means that it has not been processed by the collector/receiver for use or permanent storage.

Basic data:  Basic data is data input to either end of a protocol stack.  In terms of the Open System Interconnection (OSI) Technical Reference Model (TRM) it is the input to the Physical Layer and/or the Application Layer.  People frequently associate basic data with only the input to the Physical Layer.

Data and metadata:  Data is a set of symbols.  Metadata describes how to interpret the symbols.  In a 3-level hierarchy such as data, information, and meaning, metadata describes how the information is represented (captured?) in the data.

The MH370 "basic data" is available at

Miles' Law seems to apply to all these.  A description of Miles Law is available at


Monday, April 21, 2014

The Stowaway

The Boeing 767 300 took off shortly after 8AM local time.  The flight time was 5 hours and 15 minutes.

This means that the sun was shining on the plane for the entire flight.

The wings would be at fuel temperature for the entire flight. I don’t know whether the Boeing 767 300 uses fuel system heaters or has an icing inhibitor agent added at the point of sale when it refuels.

If the fuel system has heaters, the wheel well will not be exposed to temperatures below 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

One of the risks mentioned for stowaways in the Wiki article is heat from the engines.  The wheelwell of the 767 300 is located between the engine and the fuselage.

The incidents involving stowaways who fell out when the landing gear was lowered were stowaways on DC-8s, according to a CNN report shortly after 11:30PM April 21, 2014.

The experts who say the stowaway was exposed to the temperature at 37,000 feet are poor experts.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Fair and Equitable Distribution of Assets

Should a 75-year-old Man Be Able to Keep What He Has Earned?

I was much more interested in Gloria Steinem than Bella Abzug but I did support equal opportunity for everyone.

I attended the Republican Convention that nominated George Allen for Governor.  I got involved through the efforts of Ann  of the Republicans for Choice movement.  I was more anti-Government involvement in family matters than I was FOR a woman’s right to choose.

I am now involved in a dispute with my ex-spouse over alimony and a fair and equitable distribution of assets.  I share the 5th District Court of Appeals with Casey Anthony and George Zimmerman.

That Court has remanded my case to the lower court.

Florida is a “no fault” state and I have been told by practicing lawyers that “the law is gender blind.”

Florida’s Dissolution of Marriage process is so bad that the Florida House and the Florida Senate passed a major alimony reform bill.  Under pressure from who knows where, Governor Scott vetoed it.

Everybody now knows much more about the veracity of lawyers than I did 5 years ago.  Obama lied.  Debbie Wasserman Schultz lied.  Diane Baccus-Horsley lied.  I thought the Judge could tell that $28,800 a year and $4,000 per month were not the same.

There were so many errors in BaccusHorsley’s closing that I could not easily figure out what to object to or complain about.  Other than the stereotypical no good male narrative (with which I disagreed of course), there was little in her closing.

I identified 45 false assertions in her closing.  She acknowledged one as a scrivener’s error.  These out and out lies were not adepuate justification for the Florida BAR to discipline Ms. Baccus-Horsley.

Judge Charles J. Roberts of the 18th Circuit Court in Brevard County Florida found concerning income:

“8  INCOME:  The Court has determined the income of the parties as follows

A)     Respondent/Husband’s monthly income

a.       Social Security

b.      Zzz


B)      Petitioner/Wife’s monthly income

a.       Social Security

b.      Zzzz


C)      There is great disparity in the income and assets of parties.  The Respondent/Husband has 82% of the family income and the Petition/Wife has 18%”

My reading of the Florida statutes says that the Judge is supposed to come up with a fair and equitable distribution of assets before he addresses any possible need for alimony.

Judge Roberts was so misled by Ms. Baccus-Horsley that he did not do that.

From the beginning, I have stressed to my lawyer that I was only interested in a Fair and Equitable distribution of assets.  She thought that she and I might have a difference of opinion about that.  I was willing to acknowledge that “Fair and Equitable” is a little open to interpretation.

With equal rights and equality for women taken into account, a reasonable interpretation of “Fair and Equitable Distribution of Assets” would be in the same proportion as they were earned with the premarital and nonmarital stuff set aside.

Friday, March 28, 2014

MH370 Search

The search area was redefined today.  A number of media people have implied that the previous search efforts were "wasted".

As frequently happens, the truth is that the previous efforts have been devoted to searches in what was thought to be the most likely area in which MH370 disappeared.

Had they been directed otherwise, there would be good reason to consider them wasted.