Thursday, December 2, 2010

Do Naval Officers Get Any Consideration?

Admiral Mike Mullen, US Navy, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has said that he personally supports repeal of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”. I have never heard Admiral Mullen misspeak when he was referring to the 7 uniformed serves, the armed forces/services, the military services, joint operations, naval services, or, just about anything else, including the US Coast Guard.

Senator John McCain has not been as precise. Senator McCain has spoken as if all ground forces are “military forces” and the commanders are “military commanders.” The most “militaristic” of our armed forces units are MEUs or MAUs (Marine Expeditionary/Amphibious Units). There is not one soldier or military commander in the unit.

General Amos, USMC, opposes repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and describes what the Marine Corps will do under certain conditions. See

Army (a military service) combat units are reportedly also opposed to repeal.

Secretary Gates “is right” with respect to this being a good time to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Adm. Mullen is in favor of it. The recently completed study “provides cover.” And, by the time it can be implemented, we should be out of sustained military/combat operations.

The downside is that the “tooth” of our defense establishment opposes it and we won't be out "of harms way" by the time it is implemented, if repealed now. Defense is a legitimate role of/for our federal government. I believe “equality” and “God given rights” are more prevalent in the Declaration of Independence than in the US Constitution. President Obama may be an expert in this area; Bill Clinton definitely was not.

I personally feel a lot of kinship with the Marine Corps. I have frequently had to figuratively “Salute smartly and say, ‘Yes, sir!’”. [If not, “Aye, aye, Sir!”]
Senator John McCain and Secretary Bob Gates are not that far apart.

If “the Marines” do not force a straight Marine to share a room with an acknowledged homosexual, what will be the marginal cost of the alternative? Does this money also come from the unspent Stimulus Funds?